Inspire: child edition

Inspire: newborn edition
Inspire: maternity edition
Inspire: cake smash edition

Child sessions should be tons of fun!  There are a few things you should keep in mind throughout the time you are photographing these pint sized subjects.

  1. Don't be a stranger! Parents tend to teach their children well - don't speak to why would the little ones go along with you and be amazing in front of the camera when they've just met you? Chances are they won't.  Spend the first few minutes of the session with your camera put away while you get to know your little camera shy subjects.  Ask them their name and tell them yours, even let them know what your intentions are.
  2. Eye level. Don't you feel a little insecure when someone towers over you? Do you remember when you were a kid and you met a stranger - you thought they were giants, scary strange giants....let's not do this to them. Squat/sit down on their level when speaking to them so they know you mean no harm and are equal to them.
  3. Let them see you work.  Most of the kids you will work with will be very curious - make a game out of it. Tell them that if you can take a few pictures they can see on the back of your camera OR even more fun and bringing more smiles (if you can get Mom/Dad to play along), you can make a deal that if you can take their picture then THEY can take a picture of their parents!
  4. Silly Time! The smaller the kid, the sillier you will have to be - so practice your silly sounds and faces. When you act silly you will get those great smiles that the parents LOVE ♥ Also let the kid know it's OK to be silly! They will be nervous that their parents won't approve - but make sure you are all in agreement that silly time is a great thing.
  5. Location. This is so important for the session. If your location has tall grass the kid may have 'itchies' and it can be impossible for the session to continue. If it's outside in the Spring chances are there will be bugs - so you will need a back up in case that happens, either location or a way to make bugs fun. You also don't want a distracting location since most likely whatever distractions there are will indubitably be more intruiging then you.
  6. Bribery. Yes it is acceptable in this case. You have to ask beforehand to make sure it is OK with the parents but most likely they do it too ;)  Depending on the age find out what they love - it can be small toys, book, candy or other snacks. The bribe will come in handy for getting the final product.
  7. Wardrobe. Kids will move, and play....heck they will probably be all over the ground to be honest. Make sure that Mom/Dad know this and choose the wardrobe accordingly. So if you plan to hold the session outside - white or other light colors will not be ideal. Patterns and bright colors are great for fun child sessions.
  8. Relax. Both you and the parents should be relaxed during the session, just as with newborns children can sense anxiety and will behave as such. You also want to let the parents know to stand aside during the session or you will get lots of 'off camera' looks from the kids.
  9. Lens excitement. No it's not just a thing photographers have! Make your lens interesting for the small crowd - think lens friend. I have a crab with googley eyes and it works wonders! If you aren't a lens pet type of person have the child look into the lens and tell you when it winks at them - this always gets great inquisitive looks and giggles.

This Inspire edition was photographed by Morgan Kervin Photography as intended for educational purposes and to inspire other photographers to step out of the box and create wonderful memories for their child clients.

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