Idle Chatter: The smart brush tool (F)

I ♥ this tool! It can do so much, like make the sky more blue, the grass more green, add lipstick, whiten teeth and more. It is so much fun to experiment with new tools!


  1. I can't find it on CS4??? I know I must be missing something... :)

  2. I'm not sure if it's in CS4, it may be in only PSE7 and 8.

  3. It doesn't seem to be very well known, but this is a great tool; almost like a combination of a preset action and a selection tool.

    I have PSE7 by the way.
    I'm new around here, can't wait to find the time to learn from you!

  4. Bummer. I was hoping this was on CS3 as well as I tend to blow the sky sometimes as I am metering for the subject not the sky at times.

  5. Teresa for that I edit the image 2 times, once for the sky and once for the subject....or I just add the sky in if it isn't salvageable at all, I just use the background eraser tool and put the sky under the image.


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